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Corporate law

  • Relations between shareholders and management body
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Project finance
  • Labour law

We advise clients on corporate and commercial law from starting a business until its transaction or termination, from everyday management of the company to resolving disputes between shareholders. We have the knowledge and long-term experience to take into account our client's business and the industry in general and to provide clients best solutions. We advise entrepreneurs on issues regarding financial transactions, including acquisitions, projects, real estate and debt restructuring and resolution of disputes.

We advise and represent both employers and employees on preventing various risks and solving problems. We advise clients in preparation of contracts as well as changing the terms of contracts, cancellation of employment contracts, liabilities, business transfers, issues regarding confidentiality and competition, remuneration systems, labour guarantees and disputes. We also advise and represent in matters regarding collective agreements.


  • Tax Law
  • Competition Law
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Insurance Law
  • Public procurement

We advise in matters regarding tax law, tax planning, tax liabilities and tax disputes.

We advise clients in Estonian and the European Union's competition law in order to ensure our clients businesses the best possible solutions without breaking the rules of competition. We assist our clients in issues relating abuse of dominant position, state aid, help to draw contracts, as well as submit claims and receiving necessary consents for transactions. We also advise our clients in all major areas of public procurement, including proceedings, procurement structuring, preparation of tender documents and contracts, preparation of offers, contest tender documents and tender results, represent our clients in legal proceedings and out of court.

We advise clients on all matters relating medical services. We draw contracts for health services and deal with liability issues (medical errors, plastic surgery-related disputes, contracts for financing medical treatment) and represent clients in court and out of court. We advise clients on various matters of insurance law and protect the interests of clients in insurance disputes.

In addition we advise clients in matters relating copyright, trademarks, domain names, designs, patents and confidential information.

Transactions and law of obligation

  • Contract law
  • Non-contractual obligations
  • Family law
  • Succession

We advise our clients in preparation of contracts and entering into an agreement, interpretation and enforcement of the terms of the contract. Our experience with different types of contractual disputes help to foresee possible risks and to prevent subsequent long and costly litigations. We represent the interests of our clients in precontractual negotiations and disputes. We advise clients in tort claims (unjust enrichment, negotiorum gestio, etc.) and represent clients in court and out of court when a claim has been filed.

We also advise clients in proprietary relations between partners or spouses, divorce, dividing assets, as well as in relationships between parents and children. In addition to family law we also advise our clients in succession, including preparation of wills and succession, inheritance, acceptance of succession, estate management and division. We also have experience in resolving disputes regarding succession in pre-trial negotiations and litigation.

Real estate and construction

  • Real estate development
  • Planning and engineering
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Real estate transactions
  • Property law

We offer legal services to real estate developers, construction companies, public authorities, etc. from planning until the development is completed, including planning procedures, construction, applying for construction and operating permits, contracts, financing modelling, environmental matters, rights and obligations (co-ownership, easements, access roads, and lien). We also help our clients in management of real estate, including renting and dispute resolution.

We advise clients on issues such as co-ownership (agreements between co-owners), and division and termination of co-ownership, tenure and property rights, relations between neighbours, easements, real encumbrances, land lease, lien and right of pre-emption. We represent clients out of court and in court.

We offer our clients comprehensive service for project finance and public-private partnership (PPP) projects. Our lawyers help with preparation of documentation and negotiation of transactions.

Settlement of disputes and criminal defence

  • Contractual and non-contractual claims
  • Disputes between shareholders and stakeholders
  • Labour disputes
  • Medical law
  • Representation in administrative proceedings
  • Defence in misdemeanour and criminal proceedings
  • Settlement of disputes out of court and arbitration proceedings

Priit Palmiste Attorney at Law has a long-term and successful experience in resolving various disputes in state courts, arbitration courts and out of court. We help our clients in legal disputes in various types of proceedings and in all court instances and in the European Court of Human Rights, including defending clients in criminal and misdemeanour proceedings, representing clients in civil and administrative proceedings and also with claims made against our clients. We work out the best strategy for our clients and defend our client’s rights in the most complicated cases.

Restructuring and insolvency

  • Enforcement
  • Rehabilitation
  • Bankruptcy

We advise and represent clients in corporate restructuring, reorganization and bankruptcy law. Our lawyers represent creditors and debtors in local and cross-border restructuring and insolvency matters. We help to find the best solutions for our client out of court and in court. In addition, we have expertise in the following matters: debt restructuring, debt recovery, analysis of claims regarding bankruptcy, representation in different matters. We offer advisor service in rehabilitation and trustee service, we assist debtors in rehabilitation proceedings, draw and implement rehabilitation plans, we help with assets and advise on cross-border insolvency cases, including in matters regarding the European Union insolvency regulation.